Human Dignity, Consistent Advocacy, and the Border

Congress should act this week to correct the current policy allowing for the separation of immigrant children from their parents if those parents have attempted to enter the border of the U.S. illegally. I realize that this statement may make some of you uncomfortable, but this is a Gospel issue as well as a pro-life [...]

Ireland Voters Choose Regression as They Turn From Their Pro-Life Roots

We are living in a time of progress. The sci-fi cartoons from years gone by are now becoming a reality. Automated cars, solar panels, trips to Mars, and artificial intelligence are no longer ideas waiting to be fulfilled. Instead, Elon Musk, Google, and Apple are spending billions to bring the imaginary to life. We have [...]


Last week we invited volunteers back to HOPE to celebrate 20 years of service in Knoxville. We made gift bags, provided cookies and cake, and offered tours of the building for those that hadn’t visited in a while. The impact HOPE has had on over 25,000 patients would never have happened without the countless sacrificial [...]


The senseless attack on innocent people this past weekend has captured the minds, hearts, and discussions of the American people. This isn’t the first time we have seen an attack on our soil and, sadly, this will probably not be the last. A coward has once again decided to force parents, siblings, and friends to [...]


No…today’s post is not about a large airplane. The number above represents something far greater than a hunk of metal that takes us to far-off destinations. The number above, instead, represents actual people and the impact you are having on the community around you. Since January 1st of this year we have seen 757 appointments [...]

By |2016-05-18T13:16:52+00:00May 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Who Do We Want To Be

Does legacy matter to you? Do you ever give any thought to the world we might leave behind for future generations? I realize that these are lofty philosophical questions, but we must devote some of our time contemplating them. Our legacy should not be the sole driver or the why of our actions, but it [...]

By |2016-02-03T18:48:54+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

The Only Option

“Abortion is my only option.” This statement is made every single day by a countless number of men and women. What do you do when you hear this statement? Do you get angry? Do you cry? Do you walk away? Do you make judgements? Do you do anything? This statement is going to cause many [...]

By |2015-11-11T09:00:32+00:00November 11th, 2015|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments