HOPE’s Motivation

The next couple of weeks at HOPE will look a bit different as our medical personnel participate in sonography training. We currently have five well-trained medical professionals that are able to provide limited obstetrical ultrasounds. That number will become six after this training is complete as another one of our Nurse Practitioners becomes certified. We take [...]

By |2016-04-13T13:34:21+00:00April 13th, 2016|Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments


I recently was asked in a radio interview about Knoxville’s need for a place like HOPE. The question went something like this, “Aren’t abortion numbers on the decline? If so…why is HOPE needed?” This question wasn’t meant to be a shot at me or HOPE. I actually think the interviewer knew the answer and wanted [...]

Conversations Matter

A few weeks ago I discussed the narrative of our day; a narrative that is destructive to life. I focused on the work of pregnancy centers and putting our pro-life stance to action. Today I want to expound on that and discuss changes that can be made in our conversations as we continue to wade [...]

A Winning Narrative

I spend a great deal of time discussing here and other places the narrative of our day; a narrative that is destructive to the pro-life movement. It is this narrative that has brought us to where we are today in our society. A society, mind you, that participates in about 3000 abortions every single day. [...]

Is Civility Dead

This past week I read an article discussing a new “Chrome Extension” app that will electronically alter any internet search that involves the term “pro-life.” This alteration will replace all “pro-life” terminology with “anti-choice.” The app’s creator believes that “pro-life” legislation and language hinders a woman’s ability to make proper decisions and choices for their [...]

By |2016-02-24T15:33:43+00:00February 24th, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

Who Do We Want To Be

Does legacy matter to you? Do you ever give any thought to the world we might leave behind for future generations? I realize that these are lofty philosophical questions, but we must devote some of our time contemplating them. Our legacy should not be the sole driver or the why of our actions, but it [...]

By |2016-02-03T18:48:54+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

Sanctity of Life: Why I March

As I prepare to make my way to Washington, D.C. this week to stand with thousands in honor of life I am reminded of why I celebrate life in the first place. What is the driving force behind your stance for life? Is it science, religion, experience, or just plain logic? I find my answer [...]

By |2016-01-20T03:26:52+00:00January 20th, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

The Real Issue

The past few weeks our television screens have been littered with debate, tears, and press conferences concerning gun control. We have heard from those on the Right and the Left. We have heard from the pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby. I have strong opinions on this issue, but that is a post for another [...]

By |2016-01-13T14:58:35+00:00January 13th, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

Looking Forward

The first post of the New Year is a difficult one. Should I reflect on the past year? Should I discuss our year-end fundraising efforts? Should I tell a story? Should I provide statistics? Should I discuss what is to come? I find it impossible to only focus on one thing. I could devote the [...]