Angel & Mom-1575One of Hope Resource Center’s greatest joys is coming alongside women as they choose to carry their babies by offering necessary, on-going support at absolutely no cost. Our favorite way to do that is by offering parenting classes that teach young women not only how to care for their babies, but how to be GODLY moms! As is so often the case, many of our patients did not grow up in homes that were stable, loving and safe. It is our goal to help them see that they CAN be great parents, enjoy their children, and create a home that is purposeful, all while doing the hard work of raising children.

LIFELINE is our pre-natal class that allows us to create deep and lasting relationships with our patients. It is in this class where new parents learn how to give a baby a bath, put on a diaper, plan meals, live on a budget, and set life goals for themselves. These classes are nothing new for HOPE. We have been doing them for years and with quite a lot of success.

Sunday School class from First Baptist Concord who provided dinner for LifeLine in July!

However, over the last year, God placed in us a desire to go deeper with our girls. We wanted to maximize the impact of class while allowing more time for these new moms to get the support and encouragement that they need. The Lord was gracious in revealing to us the way forward. Now, on any given Tuesday evening, the body of Christ is actually feeding the sheep! That’s right! Volunteers made up of church small groups, women’s ministries, and sometimes individuals prepare and serve dinner to our class participants.  The impact of this meal time has been incredible. Girls coming directly from school or work do not have to worry about dinner because it is being provided for them. It is a time when they get to share with one another, eat with each other and, most importantly, see the result of the body of Christ caring enough about them to provide a meal for them.


HOPE mentor, Hannah, with her mentee and 2015 LineLine participant.

It occurs to me just how often in scripture we see Jesus doing miracles surrounding and regarding food. Feeding the 5,000, eating with tax collectors, turning water into wine, and perhaps most importantly, illustrating His sacrifice for us while breaking bread with his disciples at the Last Supper. These Tuesday evening dinners give our patients not just physical bread, but it illustrates the love of the one who referred to himself as “The Bread of Life.” And that is the ultimate goal. We want them to see Jesus. We want our outward expression of love for them to ignite in them a holy desire to know the one we serve, this man, Jesus. It is well known among the community that we offer baby showers along with other material assistance, and don’t get me wrong, we LOVE being able, with your help, to bless our patients in this way. But baby showers are not the end goal. Jesus is. We want them to know that if they miss HIM, they have missed everything.

It is our privilege to share the joys of this life-saving work with you, our supporters. Every pregnancy test, every ultrasound, every class session and every cup of cold water in Jesus name is because of you. You are making a difference.  When you go to the mall, a football game, the grocery store or a local park, you are laying eyes on someone that your dollars served to save. Even though you may not know their names, rest assured God does. In His sovereignty he allowed their despair to run headlong into the HOPE that you helped to offer. And his kingdom calendar is packed full of the names of the broken and hurting who will walk into HOPE Resource Center in his perfect timing. So thank you for giving. Thank you for serving the Bread of Life. He is everything!

Interested in providing a meal for HOPE’s parenting classes? Sign up here:

For more information about providing meals, please email Megan Matthews:

posted by Lu Anne Tilson, Director of Operations, Hope Resource Center