The Real Issue

    The past few weeks our television screens have been littered with debate, tears, and press conferences concerning gun control. We have heard from those on the Right and the Left. We have heard from the pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby. I have strong opinions on this issue, but that is a post for another [...]

    By |2016-01-13T14:58:35+00:00January 13th, 2016|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

      Year End

      Dear Friends of HOPE, What a difference a year makes. We have been blown away at the work of our Lord in 2015. We consider it an honor to partner with you in this gospel work as we seek to impact this community in a very big way. The staff here at HOPE is truly [...]

        The Only Option

        “Abortion is my only option.” This statement is made every single day by a countless number of men and women. What do you do when you hear this statement? Do you get angry? Do you cry? Do you walk away? Do you make judgements? Do you do anything? This statement is going to cause many [...]

        By |2015-11-11T09:00:32+00:00November 11th, 2015|Call to Action, Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments

          A Story of HOPE

          I love what I do. I love coming to work at HOPE every day. I love seeing lives celebrated and transformed. I love to share these stories with you. I love all of this, but today’s post is a bit different. Today’s post is not me simply sharing a story. Instead, today we have a [...]