Life Matters

Thank you so much for your stance on life. It is truly an honor to work alongside folks like you in this much needed and very rewarding cause. This cause is what motivated my blog today. The cause of life and abortion is the defining issue of our generation. In the past few months we [...]

It Only Takes A Few

This past week the news was littered with more death in the headlines. We saw another terrorist attack occur as an extremist looked to take the lives of innocent people on a railway car bound for Paris. This guy had enough ammunition to take out the entire train. His plan was an easy one. He [...]

Celebrate the “Not Yet”

The title of this post points to a joyful theological truth. I hear these words, “not yet”, and I am compelled by my God to move, to work, and to love. I am compelled because these words point me to a great and wonderful promise from our God. A promise that trumps all others. A promise that [...]

Our Choices Matter

I am currently sitting in a hotel room in Charleston on family vacation. Some would argue that I should not write a post this week and simply take advantage of some much needed time off. I, partially, agree with this statement and plan to enjoy my week away from the office, but I struggle with [...]

By |2015-07-08T10:08:56+00:00July 8th, 2015|Hope Resource Center - General|0 Comments