Clinics and citizens standing together in one voice for those that have no voice. This simple sentence sums up “Life Matters”. The week of October 11th is shaping up to be very special for a few reasons. First, we know that God hears our prayers and we are seeking, that week, to send a lot His way. Second, we know that we are not alone. The HOPE staff has been blown away at the response by our supporters and by clinics from all over the country. My goal, very early in this process, was to reach out and connect to clinics from around the globe. I wanted folks to see the need for faithful and intentional prayer. I longed for that and you have stepped up!
Just yesterday we reached the halfway point in states represented. The 25th state to reach out was Vermont. Think about that for a second. Vermont, and New England as a whole, is one of the most unchurched areas in our country. Yet, God has someone there seeking to love on His people and seeking to stand up for life. It is truly amazing what can happen if we trust God to move. It is truly amazing to see our plans come together when they are run in conjunction with His plans.
Clinics in 25 states, as of right now, coming together for a common mission is something we should celebrate. Our society is at a tipping point. There is a great deal of division across this country on any host of issues. This is why we wanted to bring people together from across this great land to pray. We can write letters, we can vote, we can protest, we can complain, but if we don’t fall on our faces in front of the Author of it all then what good are we doing? I believe fully that we need to be engaged in our culture and politics. We must vote and write letters. However, if we are not engaged with our Lord and Savior than it matters not what we do on election-day.
“Life Matters” is going to be a beautiful picture of Christians locking arms. Blue states and red states alike are coming together in one voice to proclaim one God. It is shameful in today’s political climate that being pro-life is something to be scoffed at. It is shameful, but it is not unexpected. Our world is a broken place full of broken people…broken people in need of a redeeming Savior.
The week of October 11th is going to be very special. Not because of HOPE or because of our worship gathering on the 17th. These things are good, but they are not our ultimate end. This week is going to be special because we are showing the world that every life matters and is worthy of love. We are showing the world that we trust in a God that is bigger than any clinic, CEO, or political agenda.
Thank you for standing and boldly proclaiming LIFE!