Today is International Women’s Day. If you are a user of any social media platform, you have seen your feed inundated with posts and hashtags detailing the opinions of many of your “friends” on this subject. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that this particular topic, like so many topics today, brings about some very passionate and emotional responses.
In celebration of today many women, and probably some men, have decided to take the day off. They are striking. This movement is being labeled, “A Day Without a Woman.” It is important to note that those participating in this “strike” will be minimal compared to the overall population, but you wouldn’t know that by the amount of coverage this “movement” will receive via cable news and social media outlets.
I do not wish to focus on that today, however. Instead, I would like to introduce you to a group of women that show up day in and day out to care for other women in need. They do not seek fanfare or accolades. They are not concerned about the latest faux movement or trendy political issue.
The group of women I am referring to is my co-workers and co-laborers at HOPE and in the thousands of pregnancy centers across the country. These amazing and talented individuals are willing to love and care for the most vulnerable in our society.
It is women like this that are driving the life-movement. I believe strongly that men need to be more engaged in this movement, but we owe a great deal of gratitude to the women that made a conscience choice starting in 1973 to stand for the unborn and their mothers.
These women were the rebels. These women were the ones swimming upstream and going against societal norms. These women founded and led pregnancy centers all across this country. They were willing to put in the hard work even though many would seek to malign them.
Let’s celebrate these women today! The nurse, nurse practitioner, attorney, accountant, entrepreneur, recent college grad, and retiree that chooses to volunteer or take a pay-cut to serve at a non-profit pregnancy center. These women are making a lasting impact on our society as they provide medical services, guidance, mentoring, and love to a forgotten segment of our population.
The pro-life movement is not anti-woman. That assessment is silly. The pro-life movement, in reality, would be non-existent without women. They are the true heroes seeking a better society where all people, in and out of the womb, have the opportunity to thrive and live.
As you tune in tonight to the news, you will not hear about the thousands of women that went to work today at a pregnancy center. You will not hear about their very difficult conversations with patients facing unplanned pregnancies and unknown futures. You will not see their calendar that is full of appointments and mentoring sessions. You will not see their sleepless nights or their shed tears for countless lives lost to abortion. Yet, they will get up tomorrow and do it all over again.
This is why I salute the women of the pregnancy center world today. You are valued, appreciated, and truly a godsend to all of us! Thank you!!
posted by Andrew Wood, Executive Director of Hope Resource Center