The past few weeks our television screens have been littered with debate, tears, and press conferences concerning gun control. We have heard from those on the Right and the Left. We have heard from the pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby. I have strong opinions on this issue, but that is a post for another day. Today I, instead, want to focus on what I would define as the real issue; the real issue that no one seems to be talking about is the issue of life and the devaluing of it.
Our country, and the world for that matter, continues to place a lower value on life every decade. Our culture attacks the most vulnerable at their earliest and latest of stages. Our culture celebrates the easy access to life-ending procedures via abortion and doctor assisted suicides. This is the world we live in; a world that celebrates those who “courageously” choose to end their life instead of gracefully fighting for their life; a world that gives awards and accolades to shows that highlight and encourage abortion, but chastises and opposes shows that celebrate traditional family values.
The real issue is a clear one. We currently live in a society that champions the devaluing of life. It is not the weapon of choice that is used to take life that deserves our focus. Instead it is the overarching narrative that drives the populous to disengage from loving and serving their neighbor. Right now there are thousands of videos on YouTube highlighting and supporting my assessment; videos that show citizens caring more about capturing a video of a fight, a murder, or an assault than stepping in and protecting the greatest gift we have ever been granted…the gift of life.
Our culture would argue that we care deeply about women’s health, men’s health, baby’s health, grandma’s health, and grandpa’s health, but our policies and rhetoric say something completely different. Did you know that just a few weeks ago a Texas hospital was seeking to pull the plug on a patient they deemed past the point of saving, even though the patient himself and his family desired to continue the fight? Did you know that some medical “professionals” in our society have no desire to provide medical care for those babies that survive abortion? Did you know that there are medical clinics that dissect aborted babies and sell their body parts? Did you know that some of these same clinics discard aborted babies in dumpsters found at the curb?
Does this bother anyone else? Surely I am not the only one that finds this disturbing. It is these disturbing truths that drive my frustration toward the political elites who wish to point blame on an inanimate object instead of the real issue at hand. This blame game and finger pointing makes for good political theater, but it does nothing to impact or truly make changes, for the better, in our society. Why are we shocked when someone takes another’s life? Why are we shocked when no one steps in to help a stranger in need, but instead pulls out their phone to get the footage that may make them a star for five minutes? Why are we shocked to see kids kick an animal or bully a fellow student? Why are we shocked when everything in our culture devalues life?
Billboards, policies, rhetoric, debates, and State of the Union addresses are not the answer. The answer isn’t found on a bumper sticker or a campaign ad. The answer is found in our homes. The answer is found in true leadership that wishes to see real change, not just for political gain, but for heart change. Today’s post is not one from a sullied old man wishing to squash all the “fun” being had. This post is from a concerned citizen who has devoted his life, both professionally and personally, to standing for those that cannot stand for themselves. This post is a cry for help. We will not see a change in our society until we start placing value on the things that matter, and at the top of that list is life itself.
We can play the blame game or we can roll our sleeves up and start championing life. I find it strange to even write this today. I am calling for those who have been given the gift of life to help make sure that others are allowed the same gift. It really is confounding to think like this. Have we really reached a point in society where life doesn’t matter? Have we reached a point of no return? Has the citizenry really thrown in the towel?
I pray we haven’t. I pray we see life as the amazing gift it is. I pray you will raise your kids to stand for those that are unable to stand for themselves. I pray you would show them and those around you that life is worth standing for. We are entering into a very interesting time in this country. Please don’t let the rhetoric of the Right or the Left get you bogged down. We can continue to watch our country be divided or we can come together and start celebrating the lives that we have been granted. For it is this celebration of life that will change the trajectory we are currently on. It is this celebration that will curtail violence. It is this celebration that will have people putting down their phones and stepping in to save another. It is this celebration that gives us HOPE.
posted by Andrew Wood, Executive Director of Hope Resource Center