Last week, I discussed the election and the “Now What” for citizens, Christians, and pro-lifers. I will not rehash that sentiment here, but I do want to point us to some greater truths as we take a look at the political and personal landscape over the last seven days.

I would love to muse here a bit on the ramifications of this election, the low turnout, the anger of the electorate, or political possibilities for our future, but I will save that discussion for another day. The last thing I want to do is contribute to or hasten more political divisiveness.

Instead, I want to encourage you to look through the weeds and take some time to focus on HOPE for the future. Many of us have spent the last year and a half enthralled in the presidential election. We picked a side in the primary and then picked another side, possibly, in the general. We watched as neighbors and families were pitted against each other trying to gain the political upper hand. Last week, whether we like it or not, the election reached its finality.

This election was hard fought, ugly, and polarizing, but our country has been through worse. Let us not miss that point. Families may have disagreements at the dinner table this Thanksgiving over the outcome of the election, but remember, there was a time in our not-so-distant past where families were actually fighting against one another in a Civil War.

I bring this up today because I care deeply about this country and its inhabitants. I believe that everyone I come in contact with is an image bearer. This truth means that I must care deeply about the neighbor, the stranger, and those family members that may disagree with me. This sentiment is not made to diminish the real concerns of some in our country, but instead it is to point us, again, to a greater truth…others matter!

Do we believe this? Do we even dare entertain a thought of the others around us? This isn’t easy, but it is something that we must put into practice as we seek a better tomorrow for our communities. A discussion on thoughts and ideals is healthy and needed in a Republic. This exchange will go a long away in ridding bitterness and disdain from our rhetoric and our actions.

I told you last week that regardless of how the election ended, the sun would rise and HOPE would open the next day. My prediction held true and we have seen 41 patients over the last seven days.

I point you to this number because I want us all to recognize that the world, our communities, don’t stop for elections. The brokenness and the need that is very apparent in our communities will never cease based on an election.

We still have a lot of work to do. There continues to be roughly one million abortions every single year, abortion vulnerable women in need, and families in need of assistance. These truths are what moves us here at HOPE to not lose focus.

We will celebrate pro-life legislation and pro-life Justices, but this celebration will never divert our eyes from our clear mission as we empower healthy choices for life by providing compassionate, holistic reproductive healthcare.

Thanks for making this possible and for standing with us for almost 20 years! We are truly honored!

posted by Andrew Wood, Executive Director of Hope Resource Center