Does this really mean anything anymore? Glamour Magazine recently named their recipients for this “prestigious” award. Their list includes a man (strange but true) and a woman that leads the largest abortion provider in the world. I could spend hours dissecting this very disturbing truth, but I would rather spend my time naming HOPE’s woman of the year. I would rather spend my time celebrating the true heroes around us. Glamour can focus on what will move magazines, and I will focus on stories of courage and love.

Glamour focused their efforts on those that found their home in the headlines. The person that I am writing about today is not featured in your local paper or on a cable news outlet. You will not find mention of them on a celebrity website. The person that I am writing about is no different than you and me. They have faced some obstacles, have found dark valleys, but ultimately have made it through. This should be our woman of the year.

Today I want to tell you about a former patient. We will call her Grace. Grace found herself in a very tough spot while an undergraduate. She had dreams of becoming an attorney one day. She had high hopes for herself. Grace’s goal was to serve people by representing them in their darkest of moments. She had aspirations to be a leader in her field. The plan was made, the money was paid and nothing could stop her…until something changed. While attending school, she met a young man. This relationship saw its ups and downs and ultimately resulted in Grace thinking she might be pregnant. Her life, her dreams, and her aspirations for a future in law came to a screeching halt. How could she face her parents? How could she face her peers? How could she tell everyone that her future was no more?

These questions haunted Grace. These questions are a natural reaction for a young woman in crisis. These questions left alone will only fester, so Grace looked for help. Grace went online and searched “I think I am pregnant.” She searched and found HOPE. She found a place that would meet her needs; a place that would provide a pregnancy test. She needed confirmation so she called and scheduled an appointment. She was surprised at the care and concern of the nurse she met. She was not as surprised to find out, though, that her fears were correct…she was pregnant. What was she to do? Grace talked with her nurse and saw some of her fears put to ease as she felt kindness and love from a stranger. She saw that something was different about this particular office. They were not seeking to make money off of her. They were only concerned about her and her baby. They offered an ultrasound, parenting classes, and mentoring all at no charge. Grace was taken aback. Why would these strangers care so deeply about her? Why would they laugh and cry with her? Why would they have any desire to see her succeed in life?

Grace took all the information in. She went home and discussed her options with her family and decided parenting was the only option for her. Grace reached back out to HOPE and set up an ultrasound, signed up for parenting class, and agreed to meet with a mentor. Grace’s life was not over. Grace was simply starting a new chapter; a new chapter that included a beautiful little baby, an opportunity to mature, and a chance to choose life and her dreams. You see, Grace realized that the path in front of her would be difficult. She knew that things would be different. She knew that pursuing a law degree, while parenting a child, would take a great deal of discipline and self-control. She knew this, but she welcomed the challenge. Grace was not going to let society or naysayers hold her back from her baby and her dreams. Grace understood that women are strong and that the narrative of babies being dream crushers would not be her story. Grace was excited about her future, as hard as it might be, and her chance to chase her dreams with her child.

Grace deserves an award because she represents so many patients at HOPE. Society would like for us to believe that babies ruin everything. We are here to dispute that false narrative. We believe that women and men are strong enough to choose their dreams and their babies. Women are capable of so much more than society would like to claim. I find it funny that so many push for women’s rights and independence, but out of those same mouths claim women cannot parent and reach their professional or personal goals. We at HOPE know you can do both because we see it every single day.

I am delighted to tell you that Grace today serves as an Assistant District Attorney. That’s right…Grace completed her undergraduate studies and Law School with her little baby in tow. Her education took a bit longer than originally planned but she did it. She looked at the mountain in front of her and instead of seeing impossibilities she chose to see possibilities, love, and HOPE. She stepped up and did what so many thought she couldn’t, and now she enjoys an amazing job and an amazing six year old.

Celebrate life today as we celebrate this beautiful and talented woman, mama, and attorney!

posted by Andrew Wood, Executive Director of Hope Resource Center